SEO for Small Business, is there such a thing?

SEO for Small Business might just be the new Unicorn. Unless someone searches for your business by name, the chances of them finding your website are close to zero with the new algorithms. Google, Bing and Yahoo all appear to have thrown in the towel when it comes to...

Facebook Marketing for Small Business

Lately I hear more and more people, business owners to be exact, expressing frustration with Social Marketing. They don’t know how to plan for it, how to use it and for the most part it doesn’t appear that anyone does. I just read an article in a major...

SEO Plans for Small Business

Local SEO Can Help Customers Find You! SEO and Online marketing can make or break a small business.  Today, over 60 percent of all Americans own and use a smart phone regularly and the number is growing every day.  Siri, Alexa and Google all use similar...