Content is King, Are You Providing Enough?

Content is King.  At least that what Google, Yahoo, Bing and many SEO companies are saying.  But what does that really mean?  What is content.  Technically more search happens on Facebook and YouTube than Google, and Google can’t index a photo or video on...

Buying Followers A Good Idea?

To buy or not to buy followers? That was the question last night that became the topic of debate. In a room full of people whose income depends on fans and followers, the question is do you buy or not buy followers. Since several others have regular businesses, they...

Online Marketing Books

At the Bourquin Group, Online Marketing is our business.   We see business owners losing more of their freedom trying to run online marketing and social media campaigns the wrong way instead of gaining the freedom they were looking for when they started their...

Online Marketing Not Working?

If you want your online ads to work, If you want more profitable customers from each ad dollar you spend, if you want more money, and more business from your marketing then stop doing what isn’t working and pay close attention to the secrets below. Dear Business...