Are you hash tagging correctly??

“Mommy, why does the telephone have a hashtag?  You said you didn’t have twitter when you were little” – anonymous child. Hash tags, the staple of Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and other social media posts.  But are you using them correctly....

Is Your Marketing Chasing Customers Away?

Can bad marketing chase customers away?  The answer is simply yes.  Don’t believe me?  Think about the last time your cable or satellite company sent you a “deal” for new customers only.  Didn’t it make you at least think about switching?  I am...

Do You Video?

With the ever growing popularity of mobile web, video is now the major player.  Whether it is live video like Periscope or Facebook Live, recorded videos on YouTube and Vimeo or just 30 second clips on services like the now defunct vine, video is becoming king.  If...

Start Your Own Business

Start Your Own Business NOW! Start Your Business and Take Control Of Your Life NOW! If you don’t want a personal business coach,  The Bourquin Group offers an online – self paced small business growth program that isn’t taught at any university.  We...

Do You YouTube For Business?

YouTube is just one of the many different ways that a small business can reach new customers.  The list of social media networks seems like it grows daily with FaceBook, Instagram, Pinterest and SnapChat among the big conversations. In my earlier post, I pretty much...

SEO for Small Business, is there such a thing?

SEO for Small Business might just be the new Unicorn. Unless someone searches for your business by name, the chances of them finding your website are close to zero with the new algorithms. Google, Bing and Yahoo all appear to have thrown in the towel when it comes to...