Online Marketing Training and Coaching
Online Marketing Training programs at the Bourquin Group have been a critical element in the growth of many of our clients. Put our experience in your tool box with online classes and live events geared towards your business success. It is all about what it takes to have your business grow and get you more freedom. The experience of thousands of hours building businesses and helping other businesses grow can be yours in a fraction of the time. This is time that we have spent with other clients, and our own companies growing them, even in down markets.
No matter what your business is, the cliff notes to the online marketing MBA program are a must have. Our online marketing training program is one of the fastest ways to build a foundation for your business. You can build it, but if you don’t tell anyone, they won’t come.
We also offer coaching to our online marketing training customers. Having someone look at your business from the outside helps you see what is really happening. When you work on your business every day, you begin to overlook the big things that make a difference.
A coach can help you see those big things and keep your business on track. Don’t let your business rule your life. You started your business to achieve freedom, we can help.
The Bourquin Group Philosophy is that to get where you want to go, you have to know where you want to go in the first place. It sounds simple, yet seems to evade many business owners and people in all walks of life. At the Bourquin Group, we work almost exclusively with small business owners to help them define where they are going, and help them direct the “work” in the business to the right destination.
Much like any journey in life, no matter the form of transportation, whether it is a space shuttle, airplane, boat, car or even horse drawn wagon, if all of the energy or “work” isn’t going towards the destination, the journey may not end where you want it too, and in some cases the trip can end in disaster.
Getting Your Business Going In One Direction
Think of a business like the famous clydesdales. Each aspect of the business is a different horse. If they were each chained to the wagon individually and set free they could pull the wagon to pieces. We have all seen businesses do this. Have you ever watched employees do exactly what you didn’t want them to do at the worst possible time? It happens because they aren’t going in the same direction as the rest of the team. The question is “Why Not?”
If the horses are harnessed and guided in the same direction, the cargo on the wagon reaches its destination.
Business is very similar in that, all businesses are already “somewhere” and they usually want to go ‘somewhere’. The problem is many business owners don’t clearly define that somewhere so the employees all go a slightly different direction. Have you ever wondered why your business isn’t getting “there”. How does anyone know where to direct their work , if they really aren’t sure where “there” is? Even if the energy is all harnessed and going in the direction the owner wants, but the owner keeps changing direction, the business can end up going in circles and getting no where.
Get Directions
Our programs are designed to help you find a destination, head the right direction and get there. We understand marketing online. Roy Bourquin was one of the pioneers of internet search and his original patent is still a part of many of the major search platforms.
Give us a call at 949-272-0611 and let us show you what your business can do online.
Not ready for a coach? We offer several easy guides to help you get on the right track in at Easy Guide Books. All new web site hosting customers get a free copy of The Easy Guide To Internet Marketing and our quarterly e-mail newsletter to make sure you know what to do the right way.
Our Business Coaching and Online Marketing Programs:
Internet Presence
Complete Internet Presence Campaigns include some or all of the following, individual programs can be tailored for each business.
Pay Per Click Campaigns.
Pay Per Click or PPC Campaigns are the right now aspect of the internet. PPC is the fastest way to get your message in front of potential new customers while your website grows in popularity.
PPC campaigns are managed for $350 per month for up to $1000 in monthly online spending, and 15% of the budget afterwards. The management fees include weekly reviews of ad performance, competitor reviews, removal of bottom performing ads each month, and addition of new ads to replace them each month.
Mobile Marketing

Basic Mobile Marketing is $750 to set up, and $300 per month for 5 months following. Our Mobile Marketing Program includes:
- A small smart phone friendly webpage
- Verification and posting business information local accounts such as Yelp!, Foursquare and Google places.
- Creation of four coupons to be rotated each quarter or upgrade to monthly coupons.
Reputation Management:
Reputation Management is one of our SEO services. It starts at just $150 per month[2], and includes complete internet monitoring of your company name and reputation online. Any negative or less than ideal information will be dealt with directly through customer intervention, internet followup and information burial if needed.
Search Engine Optimization or SEO
SEO programs are custom tailored to each business and it’s specific market. Budgets range from $600 per month for a small local and very targeted campaign to $8,000 per month for highly competitive keywords such as “Wine” or “Sports Car” or “Attorney”
The order our programs are listed in is for a reason. They are the order which when used correctly yields the highest performance and lowest cost to the client. Starting with SEO and a year later finding out the business should be going a different direction is a year of SEO money wasted.
Our biggest advantage online is also your biggest advantage. Roy Bourquin is one of the originators of online search technology. His patent is still in used today as part of and in some cases is the foundation of many of the patents covering search and online technology. Scott Bourquin has over 25 years of business, leadership and technology experience that can help your business really fly. Scott is a best selling author® with several business and leadership books currently in print. Additionally he has written articles in a half dozen national publications about business and technology. Scott is a well known business and marketing expert and a sought after keynote speaker.
DIY Programs
If you don’t have an online presence yet and want to join our online marketing training, we recommend for great website hosting at a fair price. The Bourquin Group is an ionos partner. This way you can give us access to your account worry free. You own your account and can change anything you like anytime you want.
Add on an Easy Guide and most small business owners are off to a great start.
Online Training
The Bourquin Group offers the Small Business Marketing Minute in both Live and online courses. Please call with any questions or thoughts regarding how we can better help you and your business goals.
[1] For all coaching programs we ask owners to commit to six months as change does not occur overnight however they may “pause” or “end” the program at any time simply by not paying the invoice. This is true for all services.
[2] Regular offending businesses who are actually doing what is being said online will be removed from the program. This program is only to protect businesses from being “flamed” or “internet trashed” without cause or after the occurrence of a genuine error which is corrected by the business to the customers satisfaction, and the process failure in the business is corrected. The Bourquin Group will work with the business to correct the process failure at no additional charge.