Press Release Writing Services
A press release is basically an official written statement delivered to various media for the sole purpose of making a statement. The statement can be an official announcement, or offering information to the public. Press releases can be written, produced, and released by private or commercial media entities. Press releases, much like any other kind of writing, should be properly aligned with the audience. Because of this, it is a good idea to seek professional writing services from a company that specializes in SEO as well to make sure your press releases are congruent to your brand.
Tell A Story
A press release is a promotional form that announces the latest news story as it relates to your business. A great press release is designed to spread awareness about a product or service or change in your business. The key is that is needs to be in a story form that your potential customers want to read. In the world of online marketing, the Internet savvy consumer is much more likely to trust the words written on a press release, versus traditional advertising. The ability to speak directly to thousands of people in the same venue makes the press release more powerful than any other form of online advertising.
As an SEO writer for hire, the Bourquin Group is normally writing press releases for our clients. Writing a good one is doesn’t appear that difficult but it does take some time to perfect the craft. In order to get started, you’ll need to find a client. Most companies prefer to have someone from their own marketing team write them as they feel the product and the company’s message are best spread through the written medium. This ensures that the company and product are being given the best possible chance at becoming viral.
It’s About The Target
Once you’ve found a client, the one perfect client, it is time to start writing. While you may think that writing a press release is to easy, you’ll quickly realize that there are a few things that you need to consider before submitting it to media outlets. For example, every business owner knows that it is a good idea to create a catchy headline. However, many new businesses struggle to come up with a headline that will get their news release noticed by search engines. More importantly is it a headline that perfect client will read?
Your headline needs to be newsworthy. This means that you need to make sure that the information contained within your news release will be helpful to your target audience. Keep in mind that search engine optimization isn’t the only reason that your press releases will draw attention to your site. In order for them to become newsworthy, your information must be helpful to your readers. Additionally, a newsworthy press release needs to be grammatically correct and free of errors. The story you tell must be a story other editors will publish. Posting a press release that only goes to press release publishers doesn’t do you any good.
The Big Challenge
While many new businesses struggle with the idea of writing press releases, it is actually an incredibly valuable aspect of a business’s online PR campaign. Press releases help you spread the word about your product launch, website renovation or other major story about your business. A professional writer can easily make newsworthy statements while ensuring that they are correctly punctuated and grammar is correct. In fact, many news outlets include press releases in their reporting.
A properly executed press release can get the attention of your target audience. Because they are generally considered relatively short ads, they tend to be highly effective in getting your business noticed by both traditional media and social media. In addition to drawing in readers, a well-written press release can also give you a competitive advantage when it comes to business networking. When you establish a strong public relations strategy, your business will have an advantage when it comes to planning upcoming events, hosting product launch events, and making new contacts.
SEO And Press Outlets
As a result of the success that a well-worded press release can have, many companies are investing in hiring professional writers to craft effective statements for their releases. For example, if you are looking to launch a new product or service, consider hiring a journalist to write an article that will provide information about the launch. In order to attract media attention, a good press release must contain several keywords, including the name of the product or service, as well as the date of the product launch, and an introduction to the company or brand. In addition to the keywords, many companies make use of jargon-filled description sentences that help catch the attention of readers.
At the Bourquin Group, we are both press writers and an authorized press agency. We have two online e-zines with enough traffic that we are sent thousands of press releases weekly for consideration. We publish a few, but most of them are poorly written and when we contact the companies they confirm that no one has published the press release. The SEO benefit only comes from widespread distribution. When you hire an agency to write you press release ask them how many actually get published and where. No one can guarantee publication but our track record is pretty solid, and we have two built in e-zines with high traffic guaranteed to carry your story if we write it for you.
If you need a press release that tells your story and reaches out to real customers, give us a call.