Solving Customers Problems
There is but one secret of business. Solve a customers problem and charge them a price that makes your solution valuable to them.
Building Successful Businesses Since 1985
One of the biggest mistakes I have seen business owners make is simply solving their problems. My dad couldn’t get parts to properly restore a 1967 Mustang. Were a lot of people having the same problem? As he found out, not really. He made a bunch of parts and then handed me the car and the business.
As a business owner it is hard to figure out what the customers are really looking for while you are trying to run the business. Basic surveys sound like a great idea but really they tell you what you already to know. It stems from an unconscious bias when the questions are written.
The best thing to do is understand your customer. How do they see your business, and look at what you think they are missing. The answer is usually right there, and a little outside perspective can make the picture clear. If something is not working in your business or you feel like your customer experience isn’t what it should be, give us a call. The first call is free.
Idea Factory
Its hard to walk in your customers shoes when you are trying to run a business.
Almost Solutions
Your customer might have a problem similar to yours, but how you solve it may not work for them.
Safe And Secure
How is your data? Do your customers feel like it is safe with you? Do you accidentally display customer data in scripts on your website?
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We have a regular newletter, online videos and a podcast with marketing tips and tricks that won’t cost you anything but your name and email address.