Google’s recent update to it’s super secret sauce algorithm is said to put any website that isn’t mobile friendly right to the bottom.  So what does that mean for you?

As a small business owner Google just said, keep up or don’t play.  This goes against the founders original vision to just keep track of websites and hopefully lead you to what you want.

50 major local directories have figured out that Google doesn’t work like that any more and this sudden shift to mobile is making life easier for small business owners.

No longer do you need to focus on being number one on Google.  The key now is to be well ranked on those 50 directories.  The problem is the same problem you had on Google.  All of those advertising fees will run you out of business.  So which ones do you choose.

The good news is if you take care of your customers and keep a 4 star or higher rating on these directories listing there is free.  The bad news is that keeping all of them up to date is a real hassle for someone who needs to be running a business and living their lives.

At Bourquin Group, we are suggesting that you get a local listing service, or add one of our plans to your account where we will manage all of your local listings for you.  You can sign up now for as little as $299 a month.

Competing with the keyword advertisers who spend all day to be number one and charge you for your add just got more expensive, so why do it?  After all when was the last time you searched for a restaurant or other small business on Google?