Want to know where your business is when it comes to local listing search?  How about a free checkup?  It is easy, and no strings attached.  Just send us your business name as it appears at your location, business address, and business phone number.  In just two business days we’ll run a full report and send it back to you.  No sales calls, no hassles.

If you don’t like what you see and you want to fix it on your own, our book, “The Easy Guide To Internet Marketing” is a great start.  If you don’t have time we have plans for as little as $300 per month.

Just email the business name, address and phone number to freelocalcheckup@bourquingroup.com and the team will send you a free report showing what sites you are listed on, which ones are missing, and what you can do to get better reach.  It is that easy.

The Easy Guide To Internet Marketing